

Varg Vikernes
Thulean Perspective
The White Ice & The Dancing Light

Unless you have fallen for the "global warming" hoax, or even worse, some Biblical-Abrahamic delusion about a "flood", you will be able to understand that we are entering a new Ice Age. No, not a "small one", like we did some 500 years ago, but the next big Ice Age.

We are at the end of the ca. 12K year-long warm period, that came after the last ca. 120K year-long big Ice Age, and nothing we say or do will change this. If you think we can, then I will tell you that you could just as well think that we can change the seasons too. We cannot. Period. This is beyond our control. We and what we do have no influence on this whatsoever. The Ice Ages will come and go just like the seasons. And yes, the cold period is the norm. The warmth that we have experienced the last 12K or so years is the exception. 90% of the time there is an Ice Age, and only 10% of the time there are warm periods.

So let us discuss why this is important and what we can do to adapt to the coming Ice Age.

First of all, the people who fear "a great flood", and who therefore move into the mountains, are making a great mistake. Ok. Mostly delusional Christians will do this. They will not be able to grow anything there, or get fodder for their animals, and they will freeze to death soon. Nothing of value will be lost though, so never mind. Good riddance.

Secondly, those who have had non-Nordic children have made a massive mistake. They will suffer greatly, and be easily outcompeted by Nordics, because they will not be able to get enough vitamin D. The cloudy and rainy summers will be too dark for them, and the winters too. Vitamin D is extremely healthy not only for your health, but also for female fertility, and not least for women to be able to give birth to healthy children. Rickets come to mind, but there are other health risks too. Their children will be weak, lack intelligence and be very unlikely to make it in the long run. If they at all survive.

Further, those who have Nordic genes (i.e. Europeans) will see a selection take place, where their own children will become fairer and fairer, more and more blue-eyed, and in effect more and more European. When the Summers provide less and less sunshine, and more and more clouds and rain, their offspring will be influenced by this. Their non-European DNA will be rejected, and the Nordic material selected, when fetuses form in the wombs of their mothers. In the end, all "unsuitable" (for the European climate, during an Ice Age) genetic material will have been removed. Europe will become purely European again.

Now, I say this as if civilization will not exist, where vitamin D supplements will be readily available in the shops, enabling everyone to survive in the steadily freezing Europe. And yeah, in a sense I err here, because if this was the case, the swarthy genetic material would indeed be able to survive here. But the Ice Age is not the only problem we face. The magnetic field is diminishing, and the Sun is active: sooner or later, even a normal sun storm, that we see routinely happen, will be enough to destroy this civilization, as we know it. And there is no recovery from this. The Sun storms will not go away. The electromagnetic disturbance will remain. When you open your "Faraday Box", after the Sun storm, and take out your electronic devices, that you kept there thinking you could bring them out later on, will stop working – and it will remain like that possibly for thousands of years. The Sun Goddess will sooner or later end this high tech adventure we foolishly set out on. And in that situation, there will be no production of vitamin D supplements…. and the scenario I talked about in the paragraph above applies. To all.

The immediate risk of the coming Ice Age is starvation though. Agriculture will be affected by this, dramatically, and also very quickly. It can collapse in a single year, here in Europe, because of heavy and long-lasting rainfall and a lack of sunshine. We already saw this happen in France this year (2024). There are almost no French agricultural products available in the shops. They produced almost nothing. It failed miserably, only because of one Spring and Early Summer with low temperatures, heavy rain and little sunshine.

So not only must we Europeans stop trying to depend on the system for survival, we must also take into consideration that growing our own food will be difficult as well! We must also make sure we do not live in the mountains, because growing food there will be very hard – and getting fodder for animals (necessary for them to survive the winters) too, will be very difficult. At the same time, we should perhaps not try to live in the most attractive and fertile areas of Europe, because they will be flooded by the masses. All the "normies" and the "guests" they brought to Europe as cheap labor will gravitate to those areas, and they will be areas of high conflict, much theft and high risk. Living somewhere somewhat unattractive, yet not too high up, will be the ideal. We are entering an age of chaos, rest assured! Prepare for that!

When you try to grow your own food make sure you grow something that can survive in the coming harsh climate of Europe. Also, animal husbandry will be of vital importance! Hens, goats, sheep, cows, and not least guard dogs, is something to consider seriously. Make sure you also learn and practice hunting, fishing and foraging. Since modern food-plants are often "domesticated", and unfit for survival in a colder Europe, you should also learn more about edible wild plants. Start now! Do not linger! The survival of our Nordic race depends it!

The winters will be harsh, but the biggest difference will be found in the summers. The winters will not be much colder than they already are, but the summers will be much colder, and wetter, and darker. The glaciers will start to form in the winter, like they do even today! But unlike today, the cold summers of the Ice Age will not melt them as much, as our warmer summers do (removing them completely most places, every summer). So the glaciers will grow. And grow. And grow.

Note though, that we can survive here in Europe, even during the Ice Age. We did it before, and we can do it again. And we will emerge from the next Ice Age better, stronger and smarter. And purely Nordic.

Rejoice! A new Ice Age is coming! And the dancing Northern Lights on the Sky, will wipe this Middle-Eastern civilization off the face of the Earth, and all the high tech that we put into it too.

Hail the Goddess Sun! Hail Sól!

Varg Vikernes


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