In "Illustrert Vitenskap" #2 (the Norwegian "Science Illustrated"), this year, there is an article about the Nordic religion of the Bronze Age by Flemming Kaul. It contains a number of dubious claims about the nature of our forefathers' religion.
Strangely the archaeologists of our time always fails to see things in a wider context. They speak of the Norse religion of the so-called Viking era as if it has nothing to do with the Norse religion of the Bronze Age, and vice versa. Kaul claims the Bronze Age religion only became a thousand years old, before we enter what he calls a "dark" era when we no longer produce the symbols of the Bronze Age. Further he claims that a thousand years after the Scandinavian Bronze Age ends (around 500 before our time of reckoning) a completely different kind of religious pictures start to appear. Kaul claims he is only capable of finding a very few similarities between the religion of the Viking Age and the religion of the Bronze Age, and he mentions the horses that pull the Sun and the Moon across the sky, but adds that they only played a minor role in the Viking Age religion.
Kaul also tries to recreate a Bronze Age ritual of the Sun by interpreting the symbols of that time. Although it is hard to argue against any person's imagination or fantastic recreations of something that belongs to the past I will question his claim that the men wore penis cases during these rituals. I will remind Kaul and everybody else that the large phalluses of some of the men in the rock carvings from this period are normally understood as symbols of fertility, and nothing more than that. With that said, if they wore these cases where are all the penis cases in the archaeological material? It puzzles me that this Kaul fails to see the obvious connection between the phalluses of the rock carvings and the phallus of Freyr in Viking Age art.
And this brings me to my point and the purpose of this text; I wish to point out that the Bronze Age religion, the Iron Age religion and the Viking Age religion of the Norse-Germanic peoples are the same, (and indeed the same as the Stone Age religion of the Norse-Germanic peoples as well for that sake).
The first everybody, including the so-called experts like Kaul, has to understand is that the Norse religion (the Indo-European religion) is not dogmatic. We have no ideas that we will stick to no matter how wrong they turn out to be, like the Judeo-Christian religions. This means that our religion changes as we change, it develops as we develop and it develops as our culture develops. This is most evident in our supreme religious symbol, the symbol of the Sun. At first - in the Stone Age - it was only a circle, it then evolved into a circle with another circle inside as the Bronze Age drew closer, then a circle with another smaller circle and a cross (a Sun wheel), a circle with a cross (a Sun wheel), an incomplete circle with a cross (a hooked cross) and eventually a hooked cross (the symbol we know as the Hakenkreuz/Hakekors/Hooked cross/Fylfot cross/Thor's hammer, Swastika etc.). When the Iron Age began it had developed into the form we know today and was the most commonly used symbol in for instance the patterns of the clothes. Almost all clothes from that era have some sort of Hooked cross pattern.
Another symbol that changed over the years was the hammer of Thor (Þórr). At first it was only a club, which we know best from the Greek branch of the Indo-European religion, more specifically from the myths about Herakles (a Greek name for a side of Þórr). Later it was described as an axe. The final version, the hammer, came even later and perhaps as late as in the early Viking Age. In the Bronze Age the Nordic peoples still perceived their forest deity, Viðarr (proto-Nordic WiduR), as a deity with horns. They sacrificed horned animals and viewed them as symbols of the wild and untamed nature, and thus a symbol of the wild forest god WiduR. In the Viking Age Viðarr - as he was called - had lost his horns. The Greek, Roman and Celt names for this same Indo-European deity are Pan, Faunus and Cernunnos respectively, and as we all know very well this god had horns. In other words, the Bronze Age rituals, when the priests wore horned helmets to symbolize the forest god, are just older forms of the same religious practice of the Iron and Viking Age. Just because they stopped wearing their horned helmets it does not mean it is a different religion.
From the Norse-Germanic mythology we learn that Óðinn's (Woutan's) grandfather is the Sky God - named Búri, Tuisto or Tuiscon. This god represented the sky and his two palms the Sun and the Moon. His wife was the Earth Goddess, called Erþô (Jörð). These are the two proto-deities of our race. The further back in time we go the more basic description of this divine couple we will find. In the beginning they were alone. As our culture grew more complex and educated we developed our religious perspectives as well. We started to give names to the different sides of nature. We gave birth to the sons and daughters of the Sky God and the Earth Goddess and we named them. In the Bronze Age we had a large pantheon, including both Woutan (Óðinn) and Þonariôn/ÞunraR (Þórr), AlgiR and Filþina, Nerþus and Fairguni and most of the other well (or better) known deities. The role of Woutan was different though from the role he would be given later in history. Tuisto (Týr) would still be the most important god for some time and Woutan was only a god of the dead and mystical initiation. In truth though they were all just personifications of different sides of the one Sky God and Earth Goddess. By the time the Viking Age began these deities had changed somewhat, both in regard to their importance and to their role in our society, but some of them had been developed even further. Our Nerþus had developed into both a male and a female deity, called Njörðr and Njerð, Woutan was no longer just a god of death and mystical initiation, but of eloquence, wisdom and war as well, etc. Our religion changed, our religion developed, but it was still the same religion built on the same ideals!
The ship and the horse, the snake and the sun, the axe/club/hammer and the phallus have always been important symbols in our religion, whether we talk about the older or the younger forms. Kaul claims though, in his article, that he sees no connection between the religion of the Bronze Age and the mythology of the Viking Age. Well, first of all I must stress that the Edda is hardly a representation of the religion of the Viking Age. The myths yes, but not the religion. If we want to know how our forefathers practiced their religion in the Viking Age we have to check the historical sources and - more important - the folk traditions in the Germanic countries.
To the great frustration of the Judeo-Christians we never stopped practicing our religion. We renamed our gods and called them "Saints" or "God" or "Jesus" or whatever instead, but we never gave up the religious practice. This is evident by the fact that close to 99% of all traditions and holidays and feasts of today have roots in our own Pagan culture. Hardly any tradition or religious feast has actually anything to do with Judeo-Christianity, be it Easter, Yule (Christmas), Saint Hans (summer solstice), Halloween or whatever.
The religious practice has developed since the Viking Age though, and today we bring oranges as symbols of the Sun when we celebrate Easter in the mountains, we bring whole trees inside in the Yule tide instead of just some branches, we burn enormous bonfires during the celebration of the summer solstice instead of many small fires along the coast (to create the impression of Brísingamen, the necklace of Freyja), we let our kids dress up as scary creatures instead of smearing ashes on our bodies and walking around as living dead to scare and punish those who deserve it (and call it Halloween, "å gå Julebukk") etc.
Although we still celebrate all the Pagan feasts we no longer know why we do this. This the Judeo-Christians succeeded in destroying, and thus they managed to destroy our meaning of life as well, but that is another subject. My point is that I find it hard to understand why someone like this Flemming Kaul fails to see this and why he and his colleges propagate something that is obviously wrong. We - the AHF - seek to revive the Pagan consciousness in our people. We wish to make people celebrate our holidays for the right reasons and with the knowledge of why and what they do. We wish to revive the spirit of the past and our people's will to live in a natural fashion. We seek knowledge about how they celebrated our holidays in the past, so that we can better understand our holidays today.
Flemming Kaul and his colleges obviously have different motives for studying our religion as it was in the past. Claiming the Bronze Age religion only became a thousand years old before it was replaced by "darkness" is ludicrous and it also is an attempt to undermine our work to revive our spirit. By doing this they want to make everybody believe that the Viking Age religion, the belief in Óðinn and Valhalla etc., was just some "fix idea" that was born in a time when they suddenly saw the need for such a religion. They want to make us all believe that Judeo-Christianity is older than our Pagan religion and by doing so justify the existence of this "oh-so-old" (Jewish) faith and at the same time try to ridicule our talk about the age-old religion of our blood. I am sorry, but I will not tolerate this attempt to continue the rape of our race and our culture, our religion and everything that is ours. We will speak the truth to the people, we will revive our religion - that is just as old as our very race - and we will bring back Baldr after this thousand year long spiritual Ragnarök. We have found the gold of the past in the green grass, we have found the trails our forefathers walked and the spirit they lived for. In the previous century they called this return of Baldr National Socialism. Today we call him Odalism. The Kingdom of the Sun has returned, to crush the Judeo-Christian Empire of Darkness! Hail the Return of Baldr! Heil og Sæl!
"Our peasants have not forgotten their true religion. It still lives. The old beliefs will be brought back to honour again. The peasant will be told what the Church has destroyed for him: the whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, the shapeless and the daemonic. We shall wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race. Our peasantry still lives in heathen beliefs and values. Through the peasantry we shall really be able to destroy Christianity because there is in them a true religion rooted in nature and blood." - Adolf Hitler (Source: Richard Cavendish, "Mythology - an illustrated encyclopaedia", Twickham, 1998).
Varg Vikernes