

Varg Vikernes
"Reflections on European Mythology and Polytheism" 2015

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Virgin Goddess

In the European initiation ritual the candidate travels into the world of the dead, the burial mound, and meets there a woman, dressed like a bear (a true valkyrja); when he leaves the burial mound he is reborn, with a hamingja.

The woman playing the role of the she-bear was a former May Queen, meaning that she was in fact a virgin. So the new-born (re-born) candidate was actually (symbolically) given birth to by a virgin. The European initiates were all thus born by virgins...

The idea that Jesus was born by a virgin is of course not an original claim in Christianity. This foreign sect adopted the idea later on in order to make Europeans believe that their leader, the criminal Jesus, had been initiated and was a real human being.

The father of Jesus is said to have been God (i.e. the Sky God), who impregnated the virgin mother in form of a "holy ghost", but this too is naturally a misinterpretation of the European rite, where the candidate is not fathered by the spirits of the dead, but becomes one of the spirits of the dead, and becomes a part of his hamingja.

The most common idea in Europe at the time (in Classical Antiquity) was that the candidate was reborn not just as an honourable dead, but as a dead (and of course still an honourable) forebear - and not uncommonly as his own father. He in such cases would be his own father, reborn.

Europeans were in this context divided into two groups: those who had been initiated and those who had not. The latter group were defined as mere children, and of course most of them were too. The European children had to from very early on go through the same rites every year - the Halloween festival and the Yule festival and ultimately the rebirth on Ragnarôk (our New Year's Eve) - and they would not become real men until they succeeded; until they had the guts to face the horrors of the burial mound, until they had the brains to solved the riddles, and so forth. Some made it when they were very young, but others had to wait for the teenage years, and if a person never succeeded he would not be accepted as a real human being, as a real member of society, and he would either eventually die from lack of support or at least not be allowed to procreate.

The "Saviour" the Early Christians presented to the Europeans was a Middle Eastern character, so he had of course not gone through any of these European rituals. He was not accepted by the Europeans, until of course they changed the story and presented it as if he had indeed been a real man. He had, they claimed, gone through the same European initiation ritual.

Of course, the bible gets it all wrong; it bears clear evidence of having been written by individuals who knew the European rites only from the outside, so it doesn't make any sense. The virgin mother is not described as a priestess teaching secret verses to the candidates in a sacred chamber under the surface of the Earth, but she is instead described as his real mother. This of course is ludicrous! But what else to expect? What did they know about this, after all? The "holy ghost" too makes no sense; they didn't understand the idea of elves living in the burial ground, or that these were actually the spirits if the honourable dead, so they turned into a "holy ghost" impregnating the real mother. The honourable dead had been real gods when alive, some of them probably the Sky God, and this too became mixed into this bizarre scam, and thus "the holy ghost" was sent by the Sky God to impregnate the mother.

If we turn this around, like some deluded Europeans do, in a desperate attempt to make Christianity look European, we can say that Jesus indeed was a European man, who had gone through the initiation ritual, and he was then misused by these sinister "Early Christians" to create a new type of cult in Europe, but... if this is the case, then each and every one of us should realize that the Jesus character was nothing special. He was just another European man, a real man like almost all others in Europe, a man who had - like pretty much all other adult Europeans, gone through the initiation rites with success.

No matter how you twist this thing; Jesus was and still is completely irrelevant. He was either an Asian criminal being presented to Europeans as a European initiate, something that was done to make Europeans listen to his words in the first place (they would probably ignore him and his nonsense completely unless he was presented that way), or he was just another European, that had gone through the exact same rites that pretty much all other Europeans had gone through too.

Varg Vikernes


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